Sunday, June 14, 2015

Texel dunes

We drove after lunch to the most stunning part of Texel--the Dunes National Park. Tired of slowing down my family and keeping them from doing things at a pace that is enjoyable to them, I hung back here at the viewpoint, drinking in the amazing panorama as much as I could. I wanted to hold the vision before me, within me, as long as I live.

It is not that this is a pretty place. But in its largely unmanicured non-chalance, it is stunning. It is what it is, and it lets you be who you want to be when you visit. Most visitors walk down the stairs or use the very (typically) thoughtful ramp to go down the dune and walk around the marsh (salt fen and heath, one website says!) towards the water. I stayed at the viewpoint. And of course, I took lots of photos.


My vantage point

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