Sunday, April 15, 2007

Keukenhof II

Hyacinth Haven. I walk by the numerous hyacinth beds at Keukenhof remembering New Haven. New Haven has hyacinths everywhere, and two adjacent bushes can be of entirely different colours because of the nature of the soil at their exact position. Or so I was told. I had never seen hyacinths before New Haven, and I loved this new, exotic-to-me plant.

Just outside my ground-floor (first American floor) apartment in New Haven, there were two large hyacinth bushes. They were a deeper blue than in the previous photograph. On 9/11, I left them standing there and went out to teach. When I returned, they had been felled. As had the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. A strange and unforgettable coincidence.

And this last one is for Annalita. Whom we miss. It might have been her name, misspelt.
Postscript dated May 29, 2007: Since I wrote this post, I have seen what looks to me like the same flower called hydrangea, hortensia and hyacinth. I am now unsure of what grows in New Haven. I also would like to know about the difference between these. Please leave a comment if you can clarify either doubt. Thank you!

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